On 6-7.02. we are holding a two-day conference at the ZODIAK Warsaw Architecture Pavilion together with the Architektoniczki collective. The event will focus on the analysis of inclusivity, gender equality and social exclusion in urban planning and architecture.
Conference schedule:
17:00 Lecture by Dr Sara Ortiz Escalante – Feminist Urban Planning: From Theory to Practice (lecture in English)
Architecture and urban planning currently present a ‘one man fits all’ system, resulting in a gender-neutral city. Women, girls, and sexual minorities of all ages and abilities are underrepresented in the areas of urban planning and design, resulting in urban environments that do not meet their needs.
Meeting these challenges requires an innovative approach that integrates the analysis of gender perspectives into urban management, thereby mitigating gender inequalities in urban contexts.
18:00 Lecture by Dr Bahar Sakizlioglu – A Feminist Lens on Urban Housing: Urban Housing as Infrastructure of Social Reproduction (lecture in English)
Urban housing is a key component of the infrastructure of social reproduction, playing a crucial role in shaping and perpetuating social structures. It is not just a physical space, but a dynamic structure that influences and reflects broader processes of social, economic and cultural reproduction. Gender disparities are rooted in housing, with inequalities often disproportionately affecting women.
How do we take care work into account in housing? Why does the economic aspect translate into the availability of housing for women? Why does security contribute to community building, which translates into reproduction? Housing seen through the lens of social reproduction becomes a lens through which we can address and correct gender inequalities in our cities.
17.00 Feminist City: Workshop and lecture by the Architektoniczki collective
Architektoniczki is a collective focusing on feminist architecture and urbanism and the creation of equal spaces based on the author’s research methodology.
Anyone interested in the topic of architecture and its impact on human well-being is invited to attend the lecture. The accompanying discussion will enable a valuable exchange of experiences and serve as an attempt to jointly diagnose the condition and accessibility of urban spaces.
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