Katarzyna Kozyra Foundation
ul. Bukowa 12
02-708 Warsaw
KRS: 0000423059
NIP: 5213632117
Regon: 146161069
ING Bank Śląski:
[transfer to PLN account] PL 77 1050 1025 1000 0090 9627 8172
[transfer to EUR account] PL 20 1050 1025 1000 0090 8001 1522
Please title the transfer: Katarzyna Kozyra Foundation Friends support program
ING Bank Śląski S.A.
ul. Sokolska 34 40-086 Katowice
Donate 1,5%
The Katarzyna Kozyra Foundation has the status of a public benefit organization. In order to donate 1,5% of income tax, fill in the “Application for transfer of 1,5% of tax due to a public benefit organization (OPP)” in the PIT form. Enter 0000423059 in the field “KRS number” and in the field “Requested amount” enter the amount representing 1% of the tax and rounded down to the nearest ten.